Silver Travertine Quarry

Our quarry is located in Afyonkarahisar - Emirdag region. This quarry has an area of 2.422.900 m2. And Operable reserve potential is 21.513.310 m3. So; this place is the largest travertine quarry of Turkey.

Spotty White Quarry

Our quarry is located in Kütahya region. This quarry has an area of 990.000 m2. And Operable reserve potential is 1.110.000 m3.

Sterling Grey Quarry

Our quarry is located in Kütahya region. This quarry has an area of 1.000.000 m2. And Operable reserve potential is 1.500.000 m3.

Serenity Grey Quarry

Our quarry is located in Ilgın and Yunak of Konya region. Operable reserve potential is 2.000.000 m3.

Snow White Quarry

Our quarry is located in Karahallı of Uşak region. Operable reserve potential is 1.200.000 m3.

Titanium Grey Quarry

Our quarry is located in Bayat of Afyonkarahisar region. Operable reserve potential is 1.550.000 m3.